Peer Reviewed Papers
Myers, C.T., Kumar, R.D., Pilgram, L., Bonomi, L., Thomas, M., Griffith, O.L., Fullerton, S.M. and Gibbs, R.A., 2025. Genomic Data and Privacy. Clinical Chemistry, 71(1), pp.10-17.
Fan, L., Bang, A. and Bonomi, L., 2024, June. Evaluating Generative Models in Medical Imaging. In 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) (pp. 553-555). IEEE.
Bonomi, L., Lionts, M. and Fan, L., 2023, December. Private Continuous Survival Analysis with Distributed Multi-Site Data. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData) (pp. 5444-5453). IEEE.
Fan, L. and Bonomi, L., 2023, November. Hide Your Distance: Privacy Risks and Protection in Spatial Accessibility Analysis. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (pp. 1-11).
Bonomi, L., Gousheh, S. and Fan, L., 2023, October. Enabling Health Data Sharing with Fine-Grained Privacy. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 131-141).
Fan, L. and Bonomi, L., 2023, June. Mitigating membership inference in deep survival analyses with differential privacy. In 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) (pp. 81-90). IEEE.
Bonomi, L. and Fan, L., 2022, June. Sharing Time-to-Event Data with Privacy Protection. In 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) (pp. 11-20). IEEE.
Zhang, C. and Bonomi, L., 2022, June. Mitigating Membership Inference in Deep Learning Applications with High Dimensional Genomic Data. In 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) (pp. 01-03). IEEE.
Bonomi, L., Wu, Z. and Fan, L., 2022. Sharing personal ECG time-series data privately. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 29(7), pp.1152-1160.
Baxter, S.L., Saseendrakumar, B.R., Paul, P., Kim, J., Bonomi, L., Kuo, T.T., Loperena, R., Ratsimbazafy, F., Boerwinkle, E., Cicek, M. and Clark, C.R., 2021. Predictive analytics for glaucoma using data from the all of us research program. American journal of ophthalmology, 227, pp.74-86.
Bonomi, L., Fan, L. and Jiang, X., 2021. Noise-tolerant similarity search in temporal medical data. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 113, p.103667.
Bonomi, L., Huang, Y. and Ohno-Machado, L., 2020. Privacy challenges and research opportunities for genomic data sharing. Nature genetics, 52(7), pp.646-654.
Dai, W., Jiang, X., Bonomi, L., Li, Y., Xiong, H. and Ohno-Machado, L., 2020. VERTICOX: Vertically Distributed Cox Proportional Hazards Model Using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
Bonomi, L., Jiang, X. and Ohno-Machado, L., 2020. Protecting patient privacy in survival analyses. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(3), pp.366-375.
Bonomi, L. and Jiang, X., 2018. Patient ranking with temporally annotated data. Journal of biomedical informatics, 78, pp.43-53.
Fan, L., Bonomi, L., Shahabi, C. and Xiong, L., 2018. Optimal group route query: Finding itinerary for group of users in spatial databases. GeoInformatica, 22(4), pp.845-867.
Bonomi, L. and Jiang, X., 2018. Linking temporal medical records using non-protected health information data. Statistical methods in medical research, 27(11), pp.3304-3324.
Fan, L. and Bonomi, L., 2018, July. Time series sanitization with metric-based privacy. In 2018 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress) (pp. 264-267). IEEE.
Bonomi, L. and Jiang, X., 2018, June. Pattern Similarity in Time Interval Sequences. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) (pp. 434-435). IEEE.
Fan, L., Bonomi, L., Shahabi, C. and Xiong, L., 2017, August. Multi-user itinerary planning for optimal group preference. In International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (pp. 3-23). Springer, Cham.
Bonomi, L. and Jiang, X., 2017, April. A mortality study for ICU patients using bursty medical events. In 2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (pp. 1533-1540). IEEE.
Wang, S., Jiang, X., Singh, S., Marmor, R., Bonomi, L., Fox, D., Dow, M. and Ohno-Machado, L., 2017. Genome privacy: challenges, technical approaches to mitigate risk, and ethical considerations in the United States. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1387(1), p.73.
Wang, S., Bonomi, L., Dai, W., Chen, F., Cheung, C., Bloss, C.S., Cheng, S. and Jiang, X., 2016. Big data privacy in biomedical research. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 6(2), pp.296-308.
Bonomi, L. and Xiong, L., 2016. On Differentially Private Longest Increasing Subsequence Computation in Data Stream. Trans. Data Priv., 9(1), pp.73-100.
Bonomi, L., Fan, L. and Jin, H., 2016, February. An information-theoretic approach to individual sequential data sanitization. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (pp. 337-346).
Bonomi, L. and Xiong, L., 2015, March. Private Computation of the Longest Increasing Subsequence in Data Streams. In EDBT/ICDT Workshops (pp. 270-277).
Fan, L., Bonomi, L., Xiong, L. and Sunderam, V., 2014, April. Monitoring web browsing behavior with differential privacy. In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web (pp. 177-188).
Bonomi, L. and Xiong, L., 2013, October. A two-phase algorithm for mining sequential patterns with differential privacy. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information & Knowledge Management (pp. 269-278).
Bonomi, L. and Xiong, L., 2013. Mining frequent patterns with differential privacy. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 6(12), pp.1422-1427.
Bonomi, L., Xiong, L. and Lu, J.J., 2013, June. LinkIT: privacy preserving record linkage and integration via transformations. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (pp. 1029-1032).
Bonomi, L., Xiong, L., Chen, R. and Fung, B.C., 2012, October. Frequent grams based embedding for privacy preserving record linkage. In Proceedings of the 21st acm international conference on information and knowledge management (pp. 1597-1601).
Book Chapters
- Bonomi, L., Fan, L. and Xiong, L., 2015. A review of privacy preserving mechanisms for record linkage. Medical data privacy handbook, pp.233-265.